
3 rounds of:

10 bench press (70%) 

30 seconds handstand hold 

15 seconds chin ups hold

 Rest 5 minutes, then


10-15 minutes practice 

handstand walk

 Rest 5 minutes, then


Circle Training 

40 seconds ON / 15 seconds OFF 

3 rounds of: 

20 push ups hr  

15 wall balls (9/6kg.)

8 box step  with dumbbells

 Rest 3 minutes then:

3 rounds of: 

20 ring dips  

20  dumbbell bench press

10 pistols

  Rest 3 minutes then:

3 rounds of: 

10 burpee to target 

40 seconds ring hold on push up position  

15 chin ups

 Rest 5 minutes then:



russian twist

20 seconds star plank 

Cash Out 

1 minute plank 


Категории: WOD

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